Tuesday, November 07, 2006

506 IMovie and reflecting on Project

Although I have expressed my concerns to Prof. Sterns and Prof. Reid, I felt the need to speak in regards to the problems relying on the Library for tools and access. After recieving two different adaptors from the library, the technician finally informed me that they must not have any adaptors for PC's. Since then I have had success with viewing my film-footage and have even started editing, which felt great. Unfortunately, a class was using the computer Mac lab for 3 hours during my break today so it will again have to wait until Thursday. I did get things done for other courses, and I feel that I am on the right track with the projects,seminars, papers, etc.
What still worries me, and the only thing that I have not been able to find a decent topic for, is my project for Eng506. Talking to other people in the class, I feel that I am not alone in that I haven't begun, but I am still quiet nervious because I need to begin. I keep thinking of various topics but I cannot seem to target any specifics that seem applicable to teaching. I guess I'm wondering if anyone has a little feedback... models of what you have been working on, or suggestions. One of my favorite passions is writing poetry about paintings..perhaps I could do something with that. I'm a little stuck and I'll keep thinking, but for now I'm on my way to join you for more talk with Will Richardson. (I promise that the next blog on Will's visit will be more meaty) ;) THANKS ahead of time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi C, we faculty spent an hour in our AEN meeting today discussing these issues and then had a visit from the ACS coordinator in our full Eng. Dept. meeting. We are working on all of the issues that concern you/us. Just want you to know that.

I'm glad you're making progress on the video.

Re: your project--I encouraged you some time ago to combine the two courses and do a project that you could count for both 374 and 506.

What do you want to learn how to do??? How do you want to have an impact? What's something you'd like to explore further? Start there.

I'm hoping that Will's visit may have prompted your thinking about something you want to do.

What do you think? K